Dermal Fillers FAQs

Hyaluronic Acid is gel that is injected into the skin to add volume to the lips, restore volume and fill in wrinkles and holes. The syringe contains Hyaluronic Acid almost identical to that naturally found in the body.

A small amount is injected directly into the skin to add volume. HA is naturally integrated into the tissue and allows for the free passage of important nutritive elements like oxygen and hormones.

Wrinkles can be raised to the level of the surrounding skin. The most common areas are the giabellar area (between the eyebrows) the nasolabial folds (from the wing of the nose to the angle of the mouth) and the lips, but other areas may be treated. The contours of the lips can be enhanced to the desired levels by accentuating the vermillion border and giving the lips more volume.

Pain is very individualized and dependent on one’s tolerance to pain. Prior to treatment a topical anesthetic cream can be applied, which takes about 30 minutes to take effect. Or in some instances pain can be improved through the use of a nerve block.

The treatment can be carried out immediately and can take about 30 minutes. Filler is injected with a very thin needle into the skin.

No. People with excess facial skin or people who want a major resurfacing of the skin cannot be corrected with filler alone.

No, but since HA is a natural material it dissolves with time. If you feel uncertain about the desired result, it is possible to have the treatment done in steps on different occasions. The Hyaluronic acid is almost identical to that already present in the body and since it is not made from animals there is no risk of transmitting diseases of any kind.

Yes. If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that the needles punctures could contribute to another cold sore eruption. If you are using an anti-inflammatory medicine, you should be aware that this may increase bruising.

The filler dissolves naturally with time and without touch-ups will eventually totally disappear from the body. How long an HA filler treatment lasts is very individual, depending on many factors such as the structure of the skin, lifestyle, age and metabolism.

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